Expertly track the tide with our Brass & Black Dial 125mm Tide Clock. The brass and black design adds a touch of elegance to any room, while its precision ensures accurate tide predictions for optimal planning. Stay ahead of the game with our tide clock.
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Tide Clocks is one of our best sellers due to its modern and traditional twist. You can use as a standard clock,with the benefit of knowing when the tide is going to be low or high.
Tide clocks work on measuring outgoing and incoming tides, Great for fisherman or surfers wanting to know the best time to enjoy the great out doors.
Best Way to check the weather before you go fishing
.What Does a Tide Clock measure?More detailed instructions available here how to set it up and use it.
You can also watch this video to learn how to set up a tide clock (the model is different but the method is the same).
How to set up a tide clock