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3 Things you need to know before buying a digital weather station

Reliability that lasts for generations.

I often come in contact with lovely customers who want to get a classic piece of furniture that will become an heirloom for the family to gift for generations to come. The discussion usually comes down to the pros and cons of buying a mechanical home weather station instead of an digital weather station device.

Why chose a classic weather station?

A mechanical instrument will work over a very long period, without any wear. I have serviced Barometers older than my 80 year old father.

Some of these Barometers were manufactured during the “reign” of early Queen Elizabeth. They are still in excellent working order and are often a piece of rich family history!

A mechanical instrument works without power supply, without battery. The function is possible by a good craftsmanship in precision engineering.

Besides of this it is a question of the product design: The good product finish (polished or chromed brass housing) and the solidness give a value in our hands. Traditional Weatherstation

Want to know more?

If you have any questions relating to how mechanical instruments work don’t hesitate to contact me. 

View our range of weather stations online

You can check out our mechanical weather stations made with high quality parts built to last a life time here. All our weather equipment comes with a 2 year warranty, we love Fischer brand because we get very few returns (but still offer a warranty in case something out of the ordinary goes wrong.

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